Renting just got better! See why it's worth it.
Did you know that our average host makes between $500 - $2,500 per month with just 1-3 bookings? Find out more on some of the benefits we provides you!
We are able to Guarantee your payout when a booking is confirmed
We anonymise your address and contact details until confirmed booking
We have Damage Assurance to prevent damages to your property
We help you secure bookings on your listed properties globally
Find out how much
you can earn!
Below figures are based on past 5 years average amount of how much brands and video companies pay for commercial usage.
Landed House
$500 - $1,500
Be it a old, new, modern, public or private apartment, you can look forward to a new way of renting because your home style is just what the brands and video companies are looking for!
- No need to refurbish homes
- Rent with Privacy
- Damage Protection in place
Commercial Spaces
$1,000 - $25,000
Commercial spaces can range from cafe, restaurant, studio, office, warehouse, private carpark, park, exhibition hall, ship, retail shop, mall, hotel, etc. Its basically limitless, so why don't you give it a try. It's free to list!
- Get free brand publicity
- Rent with Privacy
- Damage Protection in place
Enjoy the freedom of rental with 100% control
You are given a full control of how much you want to list, when to list, who to list, all at your discretion.
- Over 1,500 brands and video companies uses Filmplace
- We take care of all the tech to make sure your bookings is smooth.
- We provide instant support for you
● World Map
Where we are on the World Map
4000+ potential users booking your space
Users from over 25 countries