Listing your space
is very easy

It will only take you 5 minutes to get started!
Check out the guide below!

Get started by registering an account.

Signing up process only takes 30 seconds. Click the button below to start your journey with us!

Signup Now



Create an Account



Verify your email and mobile



List your property



Start Earning!

You may sign up a free account with us either via Email or your Google/Facebook account. Just click on the Register button below to get started.

Upon successful registration, you will now be prompted to verify your email and mobile number. To verify your email, please go to the email account that you have registered with and click "verify". To verify your mobile number, enter the 4 digit code that was sent to you.

You can click on the "List My Venue" button on the top right of our home page to start your listing process, or just simply click the button below. Follow the instructions given on your screen. Once you have completed the required 5 steps, our system will list your property automatically. You can also manage and edit your listing at any point of time. If you are unsure of anything, please feel free to give us a call or drop us an email.

Welcome to Filmplace as a Host! You can sit back and relax while we help you with your listing marketing and publicity to reach out to the film community across the world. Just remember that you have 24 hours to accept or reject a booking when you receive a booking request. You will be notified that you have a pending booking request via your email and a text message sent to your registered mobile number.

Listing is
completely free!

We only take a small host fee between 9-12% to pay our team, servers, services, and all the other expenses to keep this platform going so we can continue to support you and help you generate revenue. Making your transaction on the platform will really help us a lot.